Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"The Fall"

The Fall

I didn’t believe
it was possible to fall again,
having fallen so hard, so completely

the first time around,
all the most important parts
of me lined with miniscule cracks.

I don’t mind being broken,
the lines forming character, each one
adding to the tale that makes up the whole. 

I’d grown so accustomed
to my cracked shell, I became lax
in my defenses, letting you slip through unaware,

finding an unguarded spot
just left of center, where the breaks
go deepest, though but a hairline in breadth.

I was out doing an errand,
a few moments before sunset,
my mind wandering to thoughts of you,

and before I knew it,
I’d missed my turn,
had to hang a left and double-back.

The moment I realized
why I’d missed my designation,
I pulled over and paused by the side of the road.

Watching the sunset, I began to cry,
the tears lasting but a few moments,
for the full stream would come later.

I drove home knowing I’d always be broken,
but realizing too, for the very first time,
I still have it in me to experience the fall.


First published in Garbanzo Literary Journal - Issue #4 / July 14, 2014

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